Sarah Jayne Image.jpeg

Your PR & Communications Specialist

Graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Strategic Communications and completing her Master’s in Public Relations, Sarah is an experienced PR and Communications Specialist as well as an award-winning editorial writer. She has experience working in the fields of real estate, medicine, and law. Currently, she is working as the Director of Public Relations, Head of Public Relations, and a Marketing/PR intern across three companies.

Outside of work, Sarah is an equestrian, aspiring author, self-acclaimed bookaholic, and pitbull advocate. You can find her competing with Arabian horses in the elite division, with an ongoing count of 80 wins.


Social Media Strategy

Social media reflects the brand and quality expectation for a business. By following the best practices in social media strategy, a business can see massive growth and customer outreach.


Web Content Development

Not only does a website’s content portray a company’s brand and purpose, but also directly affects the website’s ability to get crawled by search engines. Strategically choosing web content can lead to less confusion and greater customer outreach.

Marketing / Market Research

Market research ranges from identifying customer wants and needs to the evaluation of their satisfaction. When achieved correctly, smart market strategy can refine business systems and lead to happier customers.


Event Coordination

Proper planning of any event is crucial to ensure its success. A poorly organized event can be more damaging to the reputation of a business or organization than having no event at all.

Project Management

When done right, project management helps every part of the business run more smoothly. The organization simplifies tasks to necessities and allows each team to focus on work that matters.


Photo Editing

Other than just cleaning up photos, editing photographs enables the reproduction, publication, and distribution of all images. It gives a business the liberty to have their photos set the tone of what is needed.

